LiveAcademia - Modular School Management Software
Our mobile app has been launched and now enabled for schools in Delhi/NCR, UP, Bihar and Jharkhand.

Modular features
LiveAcademia is bundled with modular features which means it comes with all basic features at nomimal cost. Then pay only when you use extra features like GPS, Biometric, ID Card Generator, etc.
Access Control - Student, Teacher, Cashier, Data Entry and Admin Login
Basic Features - Administration, Admission, Employee, Student, Transport, Fee Management, Exam, Homework, Event, Notice, Online Exam (Objective and Subjective), multilingual SMS and Reports
Advance Features - Biomentric Attendance, GPS in Buses, ID Card Generator, Payroll, etc.

Based on Research
LiveAcademia is developed after two years of extensive research by Balraj Arpit. Research published in BIYANI India-Japan Bilateral Conference 2015 (BICON 2015, Author - Balraj Arpit, Page - 131, ISBN - 978-93-83462-78-0).
User-friendly Design
We've an intuitive design which make it non-technical users to easily operate our software.
Custom Modular Components
Other than what we are offering to schools, any custom components can be added as per school requirements which gives flexibility and ease of managing their school independently.